Friday, January 8, 2010

Stardust (2007)

From my point of view you never become to old for a good fairytale, and a fairytale Stardust is. A magic kingdom separated from England by a wall, a bastard son of a captured princess and an English man, a living star, witches and princes chasing the ruby allowing them to be crowned king.

How good Stardust is as a fairytale is another matter, and despite being partially entertaining it doesn't quite make the cut to elevate it above the masses of movies made. I'm not very impressed by the casting in general, but Robert De Niro does make a stunning Captain Shakespeare. Sadly it's been quite some years since Claire Danes could have pulled of her role in this movie. At least as far as I'm considered. Looking at her recent roles Hollywood doesn't seem to agree with me, but then again who ever does?

Some scenes are quite entertaining, but overall they should have been a little more focused and cut harder into the script. It doesn't deserve two full hours as it never have the power to elevate itself into an epic story about neither romance, fantasy or quest. And without that ability I found myself longing for an end too early.

It's not as bad as it might seem from the first three paragraphs either. It's a decent enough fairytale for the child in you, whatever age you might be, but it's not one you wish to be told a second time. Sadly when it comes to these kind of fantasy fairytales, I do feel they really should inspire you to take the journey with them one more time. I'm fairly confident I'll never see this one again.

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