Wednesday, January 13, 2010

America's Sweethearts (2001)

America's Sweethearts is another proof you can collect good actors and actresses into a movie, and they can't rescue the script.

Cusack, Roberts, Zeta-Jones and Crystal doesn't disappoint especially, but they really haven't got a lot to work with. The latter have worked with the script, so he actually do disappoint.

It's not funny enough to be comedy, too unoriginal or well focused to be a romance movie and it's not satirical or having a laugh with Hollywood, at least not enough of it. So falling between all those chairs, some of its entertainment value is salvaged through acting, also from smaller supporting cast.

I did watch this soon after High Fidelity, and I suspect my Cusack admiring lifted this movie a rating above what it actually deserves. Thankfully, I might add. If it wasn't for him, the movie would probably turn out even more tiresome to sit through. So I guess I'll have to stick with my rating, but for those without such an attachment to him or Roberts or Zeta-Jones, I expect it to be even less rewarding.

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