Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Movie review labels; complete list

Alphabetically sorted list of labels used in my movie reviews.

These labels are not used to point back at the movie, but rather to show what got me to see the screening the review is based upon.

Bio-pic: Being a biographical movie, I've had at least some interest in the subject prior to watching the movie.
Candles: A typical Rom-Com or light drama, suited for entertainment without sacrificing a lot of concentration or brain cells on it. The genre's equivalent to popcorn.
Classic: A movie considered a classic within its genre, or even a classic in general.
Ensemble: Numerous actors/actresses involved who attracted my interest, sometimes combined with "Names" when some of the actors/actresses also is likely to feature either on 'Wall of Talent' or 'There's Something About...' or any similar future colon.
Favorite: Revisited because it's among my personal favorite movie, either in general or at least within its genre.
Genre: Some genres attract me on a wider note, on this label is used to indicate the movie's genre itself was among the reasons watching.
Hang: The movie attracted me because of a hang-up streak involving theme, actress or something else from it. There's always a 'Hung:'-post involved in any such streaks.
Hype: Chatter about it caught my interest, often included advertisement as trailers, posters and interviews, chatter at movie-boards, good reviews etc.
New: The movie being a recent release was among the reasons I watched it
Original later remade: A remake attracted my interest to watch the original movie it was based upon.
Old School: Old movie someone or somewhere have pointed towards, either within its genre, the time period or something similar. 
Popcorn: The fact the movie is part of a genre wildly seen only as easy entertainment, without the need of thinking or paying especial attention, was among the reasons it was watched just that day.
Retro: Retro is the culmination of the three labels Favorite, Old School and Revisit. We're talking about a movie from back then, which I most likely have seen several times before and considers a personal favorite either within its genre or overall. 
Revisit: A previous seen movie revisited despite previously not being considered a personal favorite.
Sequel:Obvious, but part of the installment following in a series of movies where I've seen (most of) the previous releases.
Top 250: Currently at IMDB's top 250 list of best movies as rated by regular voters, and has as such caught my interest.
TSPDT: Is, or have been, on the They Shoot Pictures, Don't They's '1000 Greatest Films' list, and has as such caught my interest.
Various; 'Names': Actor, Actress, Director or Writer whom my previous knowledge of them helped attract me to the movie.
Various; 'Theme': Sometimes a theme itself might be attractive either from life events, or from previous seen movies. Exemplified by "Music" for my recent music interest or "Magic" after watching The Prestige.
Words: Through words-of-mouth/writing, the movie was recommended from either one or more trusted source(s), or at least from someone making me curious enough to check out their taste.

The following labels are, unlike those above, used looking back rather than ahead.

Backlogged review: To point out the review isn't based upon a recently seen movie, but one I just haven't got around to write the review of earlier. Often used to add reviews for movies I had recently seen just before starting this blog.
Various; 1-Ten: My rating of the movie, on a 1-10 scale.
Various; 'Nationality': Whenever the spoken language isn't English, I'll add the origin nationality of the movie. As such movies commonly have combination of several languages spoken, like typically both Arabic and French, I only use the nationality to avoid confusion.

The list of labels used in movie reviews will be updated accordingly, with their explanations, when new ones are added.

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