Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Hurt Locker (2008)

The Hurt Locker is more than anything Jeremy Renner's movie. Kathryn Bigelow has done a great job bringing life to Renner's character, but Renner make sure to get it across the line.

It's an interesting little movie taking a bomb tech and his team, and show us the story behind the war. The soldier as he is, and not as they want him to be or even as he wants to be. It's a human story from war, rather than a war story with humans. It's not a lot of action, but it's still quite intense. It manages to keep the nerve most of the runtime.

I've noticed some of the critique against it is its lack of a story, but there's a story. It's just a different story. It's a story about a man, about his work, his interactions with his team and the experience war is. It's got its flaws as well, but this is one of the better movies I've seen made the past years. I've got no problem understanding why it's considered by most a no-brainer for the Oscar nomination list for best film.

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