Saturday, December 11, 2010

Romancing the Stone (1984)

Romancing the Stone

I don't like like it when movies forget what they're trying to tell, and in this case there's a lot of that going around. There's loose ends around Colo and the chopped up Eduardo to mention a couple of the more annoying ones.

In addition the action sequences are childish and unrealistic, and the latter in the wrong way. I don't necessarily mind unrealistic as proven by my rating on The A-Team not long ago, but not when it's done like this. Also the adventure parts can't really stand being compared to the likes of Raiders of the Lost Ark released a couple of years earlier.

There's more in the nay-colon, but let's leave it at that. On the bright side some of the Juan-scenes were delightful, some of the early interactions between the two leads as well. Not enough to make in memorable or worth the time, but enough to not completely slaughter it.

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