Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Disappearance of Alice Creed (2009)

The Disappearance of Alice Creed

There's a lot of good to be said about this movie, and most of it to be said about the first quarter of it. In fact I'll go as far as saying there's so much good in it, a lot of it could easily been a brilliant piece of a larger story.

Sadly the movie soon enough turns predictable and ordinary in every way, but the opening is fresh and well worth the entry fee alone. There's a lot to be learned there for other filmmakers. The plotting, the preparation and the cold, rough and professional approach by both the director, the leads and Arterton.

Arterton stands out as great, and so is also Eddie Marsan. I wasn't as impressed by Compston, but two out of three ain't bad. I'll go as far as saying there's just still a far chance Arterton might step into the A-list.

Writer and director Blakeson are onto something, but he really didn't understand how his story should have been interpreted into something larger rather than dragging it out predictably. Still early in his career, and there might come greater things from him as well if he manage to step back and take in the complete picture of what he's trying to tell.

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