Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Valentine's Day (2010)

Valentine's Day was done seven years ago. Back then they called it Love Actually, and they did a lot better job. I like pretty people. I can fully enjoy Jessica Alba or Jennifer Garner, or even both in the same movie, but the amount of beauty in a movie isn't equal to its strength. Valentine's Day is filled with pretty actors, rising stars and superstars, but its got severe lack in so many other areas.

The stories on hand is very uneven, the casting is amusingly wrongly balanced and it's too often obvious, without managing to embrace the heart of the stories like Love Actually did. I don't mind knowing in my heart what for sure will happen in a romantic comedy, but then there's got to be other sides of the movie attracting me, like heart, or like focused storytelling and balanced script, or any of the other aspects of a romantic comedy. In this movie it's a lack in every department.

I have no idea who is prettiest, sexiest or have most appeal of Ashton Kutcher, Bradley Cooper, Topher Grace, Patrick Dempsey, Jamie Foxx and whoever else was male in this movie, but I know for sure the best actors wasn't close to those getting most runtime. As that's pretty much the sole reason I have to judge the male characters, I got to deduct a lot there.

A lot of rinsing stars and superstars gives this movie a lot of headlines, but it's sadly very little to read below those.

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