Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Iron Man 2 (2010)

Director: Jon Favreau
Writer: Screenplay: Justin Theroux Marvel Comic Books: Stan Lee, Don Heck, Larry Lieber, Jack Kirby
Cast: Robert Downey Jr., Don Cheadle, Gwyneth Paltrow, Scarlett Johansson, Mickey Rourke, Sam Rockwell, Jon Favreau, Samuel L. Jackson

Genre: Superhero, Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi

Iron Man 2 is directed by Favreau and the screenplay written by Theroux, and I'm not gonna lie; that made me more than a little skeptic. Both have done well as actors, but after the very good first Iron Man there's little room to step wrong with such inexperienced men taking on a new superhero trying to make a franchise.

Sadly Theroux and Favreau managed to for fill my predictions. Tony Stark isn't close to the charismatic man he was in the original, the dialogue is a lot weaker, the super villain ain't very interesting and the action scenes can't really make up for everything else they lost. I had a blast watching the original (and awarded it with an 8), but here the best I can say about the sequel is this: I'm looking forward to watch Agent Romanoff in the 2012 movie The Avengers. Scarlett Johansson worked really well in that role, the action sequences with her was delicious and that's a character with a lot of potential.

Rockwell is for once forgettable, and I generally admire Rockwell, the same can be said for Cheadle, who I also generally admire but who cannot live up to the work of Terrence Howard in the 2008 original. Downey haven't got the dialogue he needs to shine, Paltrow is equally pale and boring here and while Rourke revived his career with The Wrestler, he's as forgettable as the super villain here as he's been for the past decade.

If Iron Man ever get back into another movie on his own, he'll need a screenwriter who understands why we loved him in the original. He need that charismatic arrogant one-liners, the billionaire flair and he needs a villain who steps up and takes on every scene he's in. They can probably blame the late Heath Ledger for that, but that's what we look for in a super villain these days.

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