Thursday, April 22, 2010

Leap Year (2010)

As I'm a self-admitted romantic fool, I do have an almost mythical admiration of Ireland and I'm most definitely not shy admitting to liking romantic comedies as a genre. Then it do take a special kind of skill to make one of them happen in Ireland starring Amy Adams, where I'm not only un-enchanted by the lady in question, but also quite honestly rather bored throughout the movie. Leap Year at least then manage the unthinkable, but in this case that's not helping.

I've never before seen a movie where Amy Adams have been so abused as an actress as in this. Her character is flat and they play on all the wrong strings of her abilities. If it wasn't so sad, it would almost be funny how they've managed to miss all the cues on how to best use her skills for the part.

Leap Year is very predictable, but then again that's often the case in this genre. So, why should it be punished for its predictability? It's because it's unoriginal, lacks chemistry and maybe worst of all; 'Louis' is the most interesting character in the movie. Thankfully it seems the screenwriters also recognize this, and I've actually awarded an extra point on my rating thanks to him, but it's really a sad state of affairs when a Louis Vuitton carries a movie like this. Luis Vuitton and Amy Adams, because let's face it; Even when she got as little to work with as here, she's still something special... at least in my book. Still, I think you'd be a lot better of watching her in Enchanted. And I predict I would've been better of if I finally got around to watch Junebug.

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