Monday, July 5, 2010

Practical Magic (1998)

Practical Magic stars Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman as sisters, witches and under a family curse. Two very different girls, after losing their parents to the curse and the aftermaths of the curse, they grow up at their two aunts whom also is witches like everyone else in the family. They grow up as outcasts, feared and bullied by the rest of the Island's kids while their parents avoid them. The curse claims any man falling in love with any witch from the family, and we obviously get to follow both sisters fall in love, face the effect of the spell and try to become happy.

It's a somewhat interesting plot at the bottom of this romantic comedy, but I never found it focused enough on the time-line for its main stories. I enjoy Bullock at her best and Kidman even at half speed. Bullock doesn't exactly delivers from her top shelf here, but Kidman have got a more interesting part. She doesn't shine as I've seen so many times before, but she takes a silly part and makes the best of it.

There's also some morale questions to be looked, there's a new generation coming and there's sibling love, parental guidance and some spells, poisons and such. It's all a little too out of focus, a little too whimsy in its tale and a little too perfect as it wraps up.

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