Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Spirited Away (2001)

Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi

Few, if any, are as great as Hayao Miyazaki at creating an entertaining enchanted premise, and then invite us in while showing us the true self of his protagonists. Sadly I've come to realize there's another commonality with his movies to me; between the middle and the end, he always seem to either get a little lost or go a little to far over the top. Far from enough to ruin the experience, but enough to not quite achieve what he was heading for. That's also the case with Spirited Away.

Still. There's a lot of gold until he get there. The young girl protagonist, Chihiro, is once again a great Miyazaki creation and so is the spirits bathhouse as the main scenery. We're taken along a charming ride, almost enchanting enough to make us forget those bumps along the road.

Great detailed animations and an imaginative world. Another safe bet for children of all ages.

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