Monday, March 8, 2010

The Blind Side (2009)

Sandra Bullock have only hours ago got her best leading actress Oscar for her part in The Blind Side, and accidentally it was next on my to watch list. I'm not convinced she deserved her Oscar, but as I haven't seen any better female roles from the last year I'm not ruling it out either as this was no doubt the best performance I've ever seen from her. There's actually quite a lot of moments in this movie. Moments were she makes us understand very well how her character feels without having to spell it out, over-act or spend any other easy fixes to cover herself. That's acting, and this time she actually does more of it than usual. All About Steve was on the other end of the scale, as many might remember.

Besides watching the movie, I've also managed to revisit it in large parts and re-revisit a lot of the important scenes in the few hours past by since the Oscars were delivered. Much like Whip It, this is a movie that grows on you without really being especially strong to begin with. The Blind Side is nothing less than a good-mood-pill of a movie. It reminds us there's good people still left in the world, that sometimes fairy tales comes true and there's hope left no matter how dark everything might seem.

No surprise I'm a fan of getting such stories served every once in a while. It goes well along with my taste for romance and happy endings. The movie is flawed in several ways. The story ain't focused enough, sometimes you feel they can't possibly be true to the story it's based on and maybe just a little to often they all seem too happily together as a family. Well. It's all true, but there's a bigger picture here. And in that frame, The Blind Side scores higher than most. I highly recommend this as a well preserved snack until you are in desperate need for a 2 hour cheer up. Then you can pop this into your DVD, Blu-Ray or whatever you use these days, and instantly regain faith in humanity.

Besides Bullock doing a much better role than seen before, I'll also take the time to mention that while Tim McGraw, Quinton Aaron and Jae Head does well to make moments as well as the Tuohy-family, I think especially Lily Collins should be praised for her supporting role. I can't seem to remember her from her two 90210-episodes, but I'll most definitely be looking for her next roles. Also Bates and Dickens have good smaller supporting roles.

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