Monday, April 4, 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1

This is the first Harry Potter-movie I watch after reading the book in question, and as such my viewpoint will be a lot more blurred by my knowledge than earlier. Still. Dividing the book in two movies have helped making sure they can stay fairly accurate to the book, and as a result this is so far the best of the movie-franchise. It does obviously not tell you much as the earlier movies without exception have gone wrong on so many important choices they've opened a great opportunity to remake this later into the story it should be.

The part of the final chapter of Harry Potter told in this movie, isn't very action packed. There's more drama and subtle darkness than in the second half, and that might be the reason Yates never manage to make it as good as he should be able to. Screenwriter/adapter Steve Kloves in on my hate-mail list, so I'll not offer much on him this time around. He's managed to stay closer to the material with the added runtime of splitting it into two movies, but he still screws up a little to often.

Watson and Grint proves again far superior Radcliffe in acting skills, but what else is new. Radcliffe have been the weak link for a very long time. A lot of good support acting.

Good enough I'll eagerly anticipate the final chapter with more action, which suits Yates better, but I still more than ever look forward to free up Emma Watson to take on other parts when it's done.

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